Give Online – Compass Campaign

Thank you

Thank you for joining us in making a gift to Westside Neighborhood School.

To make a single gift in full, please choose the “Make a single gift” button and complete the form. Your donation amount will be processed once you complete the form.

To make a monthly gift or multi-installment pledge, select the “Pledge to Give” button and complete the form. Your donation amount will be processed according to the months/notes you indicate in the giving form.

If you would like to make a gift via a transfer of stock, please contact Cathy Gemgnani at or (310) 574-8650.

If you have any questions, please contact the Development Office at or (310) 574-8650.

Giving Levels:

Partnership Leadership Circle*
$50,000 and above

Head of School Leadership Circle*
Gifts of $30,000 – $49,999

Visionary Leadership Circle*
Gifts of $15,000 – $29,999

Ambassador Leadership Circle*
Gifts of $7,500 – $14,999

Benefactor Leadership Circle*
Gifts of $3,500 – $7,499

Supporter Circle
Gifts of $1,000 – $3,499

Friend Circle
Gifts up to $999

*These gifts are recognized at a leadership level