Middle School
The transition to middle school
Welcome to the Middle School
Our goal for students at WNS is for them to have a broad range of experiences at school and in the world. Whether it’s stepping on the stage for the first time, trying a new sport, or traveling to another country, we want students to stretch, experiment, take healthy risks, and discover who they are.
Kaitlin Rodriguez
Director of Grades 5-8
Program Philosophy
Middle School
The roadmap to academic excellence
The WNS middle school is a quasi-departmentalized program that retains our philosophy of providing students with engaging and authentic learning experiences with instruction and pace that supports the full range of learners. Students learn skills in the context of real-world application. Collaboration is a key part of project-based learning, and students continue to be taught and to practice these skills. An important cornerstone of the WNS middle school program involves culminating projects that draw upon every aspect of students’ academic experiences.
The core academic classes of English, math, science, social studies, and Spanish are offered with opportunities to participate in advanced classes for certain subjects. All students also participate in theatre arts, visual arts, music, technology, and physical education with expanded opportunities to participate in electives, after-school athletics, school plays, and musicals.
Students from WNS matriculate to a wide range of independent, parochial, and public schools. Our program aims to prepare students for success in the diverse and changing world.
Curriculum Explorer
Sixth Grade: A project-based approach encourages students to make real-life connections between their studies and the world around them.
Seventh Grade: Students develop the ability to state their points of view in both speech and writing by questioning, arguing, discussing, and adapting what they say to their audience and the effect they wish to achieve.
Eighth Grade: Students are encouraged to develop their skills as both readers and writers through the exploration of themselves and their roles within the world, along with pushing the boundaries of each student’s universe of obligation.
There are four sections of math in sixth and seventh grade and five sections in eighth grade; all have the same high academic standards and goals. Each section varies as to pace and depth of understanding with a demanding curriculum focusing on core competencies. The curriculum culminates with Algebra 1 in eighth grade and everyone leaves ready for high school math, whether it be Algebra, Geometry, or beyond. The Singapore Math approach is used In the upper elementary grades, as students internalize how and why math is meaningful in their lives, moving beyond procedural knowledge to conceptual understanding. Students continue to employ concrete, visual, and abstract models to master the application of mathematical concepts. The curriculum is a project-based, interdisciplinary approach to the application of mathematical skills and concepts. Flexible groups are designed to meet all students’ needs, with emphasis placed on inquiry, problem-solving, and logical reasoning.
Sixth Grade: Ancient History
Seventh Grade: World History
Eighth Grade: American History
Sixth Grade: Environmental Science
Seventh Grade: Life Science & Human Health and Sexuality
Eighth Grade: Chemistry and Physics basics
The Spanish Immersion Program is an accelerated option for students ready for the challenge of an all-Spanish speaking classroom environment. The Immersion Program provides students opportunities to build their confidence as they improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The program enriches the intellectual growth of each student and provides a variety of cultural experiences that enhance the acceptance and appreciation of Spanish-speaking countries.
WNS also offers students the chance to accelerate their Spanish practice and immerse themselves in other Spanish cultures and geographic regions through our Global Studies Summer Program Trip. Each summer, WNS students embark upon a seven to nine-day trip that incorporates Spanish, service learning, and interdisciplinary study opportunities.
Middle school physical education electives emphasize fitness and lifelong recreational activities. The focus of the athletics-based electives is transferring foundational skills into a sports setting. Team sports and games include learning how to work together to create strategies and find multiple solutions to a problem.
In addition to the core curriculum, every middle school student participates in two to five electives in each of the three trimesters. The elective period is a time when middle school students can pursue an interest that is not necessarily a part of the regular curriculum with students in all grades of the middle school. Electives additionally provide teachers with an opportunity to share a skill or passion with their students. Some of the classes offered have included mock trial, robotics, service learning, early childhood mentoring, spring musical, architecture club, cooking, debate team, math team, creative writing, newspaper, yearbook, visual arts, and various athletics.
Four days a week begin with advisory, which includes time for students to be welcomed to school, a time to share, engage in a game or playful activity, and hear news or announcements. Students set goals and create a middle school-wide Social Contract of rules to help them create a school environment that helps them achieve their goals.
Specialist Classes
Visual Arts
The art program is organized around imagination, innovation, invention, observation, communication and expression. Students learn that art is a means to communicate feelings and ideas, to articulate what they think and know, to reflect upon issues, and to come to a clearer understanding of themselves, their culture, and other people. Through art, our students seek to inform, inspire and move others emotionally or intellectually.
Sample electives include:
- Digital Art
- Drawing
- Arts & Crafts
- Film Festival
(Electives offerings are subject to change)
Performing Arts
Students at WNS experience performing arts classes developing rehearsal and performance skills, but mainly providing the opportunity for students to develop empathy, self-confidence, public speaking, and communication and collaboration skills. While each grade level participates in its own Theatre Art production, all middle school students have the opportunity to apply for several performing arts electives.
Sample electives include:
- Performing Arts Showcase Elective (Prepares students to run transitions during the winter performing arts showcase)
- Dance Team Elective
- Dance PE Elective
- 7/8 grade Play Performance Elective
- 7/8 grade Play Tech Elective
- Middle School Musical Performance Elective
- Middle School Musical Tech Elective
- Film Festival Elective
- Theatre Organizing Elective
(Electives offerings are subject to change)
Computer Science
Capstone Projects
Each year in Middle School, students work towards an interdisciplinary culminating project which is showcased to families near the end of the school year. These projects are rooted in social entrepreneurship, giving students the opportunity to brainstorm solutions to real-life issues facing our community.
The 6th grade project, DIVE (Designing Innovations for Vulnerable Environments) challenges students to create a greenspace design project, combining what they’ve learned in science with technology programs.
7th graders then embark on the first of a two-year project with SPLASH (Solving Problems for Los Angeles’ Society and Health), giving them a chance to research and pitch creative solutions to societal issues. Finally, 8th grade sees students take their ideas even further with SWIM (Solutionary Work In Motion), during which they partner with local organizations, bringing their ideas to life and making a tangible impact.
Video Corner
Middle School Retreats
Overnight retreats are an important rite of passage for our middle school students, offering them opportunities to bond with peers, push their comfort zones, and have new experiences led by expert organizations and chaperoned by WNS faculty. While most retreats during middle school are within a few hours’ drive of Los Angeles, the 8th grade Washington D.C. trip is always an incredible experience for our graduating class, and a great way to celebrate their time at WNS. Retreat fees are included in WNS tuition, with the exception of the Global Studies Elective trip.
The WNS athletic program philosophy is to promote teamwork and cooperation, not only among team members but also with opposing schools and teams. Check out our dedicated Athletics page to learn more about our offerings at WNS.