Financials & Community Demographics

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Diversity Demographics

  • 58% Students of Color
  • 50+ Different Zip Codes
  • 52% Faculty & Staff of Color

Race & Ethnicity of WNS Students - 2021-22 (%)

[wpcharts type="piechart" bgcolor="purple:gray:blue,pink:gray:purple,blue:gray:pink,magenta:gray:lightblue,darkblue:gray:darkpurple,darkpurple:gray:darkblue,lightblue:gray:darkblue" min="0" legend="true" titles="Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Multi-Racial, White, Middle Eastern, Prefer Not to Answer" values="8, 24.8, 5.1, 21.4, 38.4, 0.8, 1.5"]

Financial Assistance Stats

  • 25% of student body receives financial assistance
  • 160 students receiving financial assistance

Fundraising Stats & Summary

2021-22 Fundraising Summary

  • Annual Fund - $1,048,391
  • Raise the Paddle - $151,050
  • Major Gifts - $437,600
  • Parent Group, Library, Other Gifts - $129,678
  • Gala & Auction - $163,775
  • Total Fundraising, 2021-22: $1,930,494

2021 - 22 Revenue (%)

[wpcharts type="piechart" bgcolor="purple:gray:darkblue,pink:gray:magenta,blue:gray:lightblue" min="0" legend="true" titles="Tuition & Fees, Fundraising, ACE & Summer Program, Interest & Misc. Income" values="89.2,6.9,3.9"]

2021 - 22 Expenses (%)

[wpcharts type="piechart" bgcolor="purple:gray:darkblue,pink:gray:magenta,blue:gray:lightblue,darkblue:gray:purple,magenta:gray:pink,lightblue:gray:blue,darkblue:gray:pink" min="0" legend="true" titles="Salary, Rent, Financial Aid, Facilities & Services, Programs & Supplies, ACE & Summer Program, Other Expenses" values="59.2, 10.8, 12.2, 3.7, 8.5, 3.6, 2"]

WNS Fundraising Highlights

Participation from Board of Trustees:

Participation from Parent/Caregivers:

Participation from Faculty/Staff:

Total donors to WNS Annual Fund
Includes parents, faculty/staff, trustees, grandparents, alumni parents, alumni, special friends, companies, foundations
Raised for Board Designated Endowment
$ 100
Raised for Raise The Paddle by 214 donors
$ 100
Raised for Community Gift by 375 donors
$ 100
Raised in matching funds
$ 100
Raised for 8th Grade Legacy Gift
98% participation from class
$ 100

You Make
  • The Change
  • The Difference
  • Us Better

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