
financials & demographics

2nd Grade Changemakers Project
Class of 2019 at Alumni Gathering reuniting with their buddies

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Diversity @ WNS

At WNS, we are proud to be a school rich with diversity; from racial and ethnic diversity, to geographic diversity, to socio-economic diversity, and more. We believe it is this beautiful tapestry of diversity that gives our school the special culture that we work so hard to nurture. 

Race & Ethnicity of WNS Students (%) - 2022-23

[wpcharts type="piechart" bgcolor="pink:gray:00CFBD,blue:gray:808080,random:gray:yellow,purple:gray:yellow,turquoise:gray:blue,orange:gray:green,green:gray:pink" min="0" legend="true" titles="Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Multi-Racial, White, Middle Eastern, Prefer Not to Answer" values="47,146,30,125, 226, 4, 9"]

Fundraising Stats & Summary

Made Possible Thanks to You.

WNS Fundraising Highlights

Annual Fund Participation from
Board of Trustees:
Annual Fund Participation from
Annual Fund Participation from
Total donors to WNS Annual Fund

Includes parents, faculty/staff, trustees, grandparents, alumni parents, alumni, special friends, companies, and foundations.

Raised for Board Designated Endowment by 30 donors
$ 100
Raised from Foundations
$ 100
In matching gifts,
all funds
$ 100
Raised for Community Gift
by 323 donors
$ 100
Raised for Raise the Paddle
by 142 donors
$ 100
8th Grade Washington D.C. trip
Inaugural 5-8 Entrepreneurial Day

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